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Набор Su:m37 LosecSumma Elixir Set

  • набор для лица полный уход

  • Производитель: Su:m37
  • Артикул: 6728
  • Наличие: 1 шт.
  • Срок годности: 04.07.2026
  • 16000 руб.

    14900  руб.

Su:m37 LosecSumma Elixir Set

Роскошная линия Su:m37 LosecSumma Elixir — основанная на вдохновении, полученном из ферментированных средств, сохраняемых и усовершенствованных на протяжении веков, помогает укрепить кожу и достичь ее совершенства.  В основе серии натуральный питательный  ферментированный комплекс из экстрактов растений. Продукты по уходу за кожей, содержащие ферментные ингредиенты, полученные после долгого ожидания, еще больше улучшают состояние кожи и помогают сделать ее более здоровой и блестящей.

Функциональная косметика против морщин.

Эффективность: Помогает уменьшить морщины на коже.

Набор LosecSumma  Elixir включает 4 полноразмерных средства и 7 миниатюр:

  • LosecSumma Elixir Skinsoftner 150ml - тонер
  • LosecSumma Elixir Emulsion 130ml - эмульсия
  • LosecSumma Elixir Skinsoftner 20ml - тонер (миниатюра)
  • LosecSumma Elixir Emulsion 20ml - эмульсия (миниатюра)
  • Summа Elixir 8-Miracle Power Essence 8ml -  антивозрастная эссенция (миниатюра)
  • LosecSumma Elixir Cream 10ml - крем для лица (миниатюра)
  • LosecSumma Elixir Eye Cream 10ml - крем для лица (миниатюра)
  • LosecSumma Elixir Foam Cleanser 40ml - пенка для умывания (миниатюра)
  • Centenica Cream Completer 5ml - крем для лица с ферментированным экстрактом вина (миниатюра)

Линия помогает противостоять коже возрастным изменениям. Средства обладают нежной текстурой, полностью усваиваются кожей. Прекрасно тонизируют, устраняют ощущение стянутости, омолаживают кожу, защищая ее от воздействия свободных радикалов.

Активный компонент Аденозин - аминокислота, которая формируется в клетках, путем метаболической клеточной энергии. Способствует избавлению от морщин. Оказывает сосудорасширяющее и антиагрегантное действие, улучшает макро- и микроциркуляцию, определяет благоприятное воздействие на трофику тканей и процессы регенерации. Входит в состав важнейших коферментов, регулирующих окислительно-восстановительные процессы в клетках. Стимулирует синтез коллагена и эластина в коже, активно используется в косметике как высокоэффективное средство для уменьшения возрастных морщин и разглаживания рельефа кожи.

LosecSumma Elixir Skinsoftner 

Питательный тонер - имеет легкую, гелевую текстуру. Тонер смягчает и увлажняет кожу, тонизирует и подготавливает к дальнейшему уходу. Основан на натуральном ферментированном комплексе из 10 экстрактов растений.

Смягчитель кожи с мягкой текстурой и богатым питанием, который делает вашу кожу увлажненной и гладкой.

Способ применения: Использовать сразу после умывания утром и вечером. Возьмите необходимое количество и распределите по текстуре кожи от внутренней части лица к внешней стороне и слегка похлопайте для впитывания.

LosecSumma Elixir Emulsion 

Эмульсия с мягкой и насыщенной текстурой увлажняет кожу и придает ей упругость. Способствует глубокому увлажнению и питанию кожи, улучшает эластичность и упругость кожи, сокращяет морщины. Основные ингредиенты: аденозин, фильтрат Lactobacillus, бетаин.

Способ применения: После использования сыворотки нанесите необходимое количество и аккуратно распределите по текстуре кожи изнутри лица наружу.

LosecSumma Elixir Cream 

Формула крема с эластичной, мягкой текстурой содержит ингредиенты, которые помогают наполнить кожу жизненной силой, это помогает создать здоровую и молодую кожу.

Крем защищает кожу от агрессивного воздействия окружающей среды, укрепляет барьер кожи, препятствует появлению стресса. Ускоряет регенерацию клеток эпидермиса. Способствует формированию хорошей защиты для удержания влаги в коже. Подходит для кожи, утратившей былую упругость. После регулярного применения она становится эластичной и гладкой, возвращает молодость и здоровье. Укрепляет защитный барьер и стимулирует местный иммунитет.

Способ применения:  На последнем этапе базового ухода за кожей возьмите необходимое количество и аккуратно распределите изнутри лица наружу. После нанесения аккуратно оберните ладонью и дайте впитаться.

LosecSumma Elixir Eye Cream 

Крем для глаз с мягкой, блестящей и шелковистой текстурой обеспечивает комфорт нежной коже вокруг глаз и доставляет активные ингредиенты для создания упругой и сильной кожи вокруг глаз.

Способ применения: После использования эмульсии возьмите небольшое количество и точечно распределите вокруг глаз. Аккуратно надавите массажной палочкой на точки акупрессуры вокруг глаз, а затем слегка постучите, чтобы впитать.

Su:m37 Summa Elixir 8-Miracle Power Essence

Антивозрастная эссенция, изготовленная на основе ферментации. Проникает в кожу плотно и влажно, придавая ей упругость и сияние каждый день. Эссенция заботится о различных проблемах старения.

Роскошная 8-Miracle Power Essence эссенция впервые появилась благодаря 10-летнему опыту естественного брожения и новейшим научным технологиям.

В составе 15% высококонцентрированного  8-Miracle Repair ™ - это 8 ингредиентов, таких как про-ретинол растительного происхождения и пептиды, которые уменьшают раздражение и обладают отличным действием.

Доказано, при регулярном применении золотой эссенции, курсом в течении 7 дней, состояние кожи заметно улучшается.

Эссенция восстанавливает нормальное состояние кожи и помогает с решением 8 основных проблем:

  • увлажнение,
  • лифтинг,
  • эластичность,
  • морщины,
  • сияние,
  • поры,
  • текстуру кожи
  • барьер.

Основу эссенции составляет концентрат из огромного количества ферментированных растительных экстрактов: корня женьшеня, корень васаби, гранат, семена ячменя, картофельный экстракт, черный чай, виноград, рис, анис, лаванда, шалфей, западный перец, мята, кориандр, лемонграсс, мед, черный тмин, корень ириса, чеснок, свекла, капуста, полынь, экстракт листьев камелии, папайя, центелла азиатская, цветы сафлора, цикория корень, хвощ, инжир, гинко, куркурма, хвощ, грибы майтаке, жимолость, просо, базилик, красная фасоль, подороник, яблоко, редис,малина, розмарин,семена подсолнечника, моркови, какао, бергамотцедра лимона, дамасская роза и др.

Orchid Y Comples™ - запатентованный комплекс ферментированного экстракта орхидеи. Обеспечивает коже эластичность, борется с морщинками, делает кожу более упругой.

Ниацинамид - осветляет пигментацию, регулирует баланс влажности в эпидермисе и оказывает антивозрастное действие.

Эссенция содержит компоненты дружественные с кожей. Нежный и не раздражающий состав. Богатые питательные вещества легко и мгновенно доставляются в нижний слой дермы кожи.

Золотистая эссенция окутывает кожу, создавая прочную защиту, гладкую текстуру кожи и сияние.

Способ применения: Использовать после тонера. Несколько капель эссенции нанести на щеки,лоб, нос и подбородок, затем аккуратно распределить по лицу, в конце процедуры приложите теплые ладони к лицу для лучшего впитывания средства. 

Su:m37 Losec Summa Elixir Foam Cleanser

Пенка для умывания гелевого типа на основе питательного ферментированного комплекса из 10 экстрактов.

В составе ключевой ингредиент линии LosecSumma формула Golden Elixir ™ на основе золота, платины и шафрана, обладает антивозрастным действием, оживляет кожу и выравнивает цвет лица.

Гелевая пенка с изысканным внешним видом, содержит частицы золота, способствующие омоложению и мягкому очищению с помощью густых и насыщенных пузырьков. Содержит продукты ферментации и лактобактерии.

Средство образует густую пенку, мягко очищает кожу, препятствует закупорке пор и обезвоживанию кожи.

Прекрасно тонизирует, не создает ощущение стянутости, омолаживает кожу, защищая ее от воздействия свободных радикалов. Ускоряет регенерацию клеток эпидермиса. Способствует формированию хорошей защиты для удержания влаги в коже. Подходит для кожи, утратившей былую упругость. После регулярного применения она становится эластичной и гладкой, возвращает молодость и здоровье. Укрепляет защитный барьер и стимулирует местный иммунитет.

В составе аденозин - аминокислота, которая формируется в клетках, путем метаболической клеточной энергии. Способствует избавлению от морщин. 

Обладает приятным травяным ароматом.

Способ применения: Смочить лицо водой. Нанести необходимое количество средства на  ладонь и слегка помассировать лицо, затем тщательно промыть лицо теплой водой.

Su:m37 Centenica Cream Completer

Антивозрастной крем для лица с ферментированным экстрактом вина.

Один из чудодейственных кремов в мире. Основан на ферментированных экстрактах французских вин провинции Сотерн и экстракте белого индийского женьшеня.

Этот крем результат работы не одного поколения людей, период созревания и брожения экстрактов составляет 100 лет.

Крем восстанавливает молодость тонизируя все необходимые жизненные силы и резервы кожи. Эффективно питает, смягчает и увлажняет кожу, ускоряя процесс заживления мелких трещинок, порезов. Защищает нежную кожу от неблагоприятного воздействия окружающей среды.

Формула EXOR ™ вместила в одном флаконе натуральные ингредиенты со всего мира, такие как двойной трюфель, натуральный гоча, шафран и ашваганда, для создания благородной кожи. В составе 88 растительных экстрактов. Лактобактерии и бифидобактерии. Натуральные масла.

Запатентованная формула Centenion ™, 100 лет ожидания. Ингредиенты глубокого и богатого брожения, дополнены технологией «золотого медового брожения» с добавлением золотого сидра и технологии «дырочного брожения», является передовым достижением науки о ферментации Su:m 37 ° Делает кожу более здоровой и красивой, вызывая фундаментальные изменения.

Действительно роскошный, насыщенный и питательный крем. Текстура сливочная и очень нежная. Едва коснувшись кожи, это средство превращается в легкую, быстро впитывающуюся эмульсию. Буквально через момент, от крема не остается и следа, только бархатистая кожа с очень легким и красивым сиянием. Без липкости и без жирного блеска.

Оттенок у Su:m37 Centenica 1909 бежевый, как у сливочного масла. Крем имеет легкий цитрусовый аромат, который потом разбивается, на манер сложных духов, на ориентальные и фруктовые нотки. Запах не сильный, а очень нежный и явно имеющий ароматерапевтическое значение. Он заметно улучшает расположение духа. Впрочем, дизайн упаковки средства это также делает, настраивая на императорский, размеренный уход за кожей.

Линия хорошо сочетается с серией LosecSumma Elixir.

Способ применения: Нанести на последнем этапе ухода на лицо по массажным линиям.

Производство: Южная Корея

LosecSumma Elixir Skinsoftner

Purified water, glycerin, dipropylene glycol, 1,2-hexanediol, denatured alcohol, PEG/PPG/polybutylene glycol-8/5/3 glycerin, PEG/PPG- 17/6 copolymer, Glycereth-26, Panthenol, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Dimethicone, Ammonium Acryloyl Dimethyl Taurate/VP Copolymer, Betaine, Sodium Polyacrylate, Carbomer, glyceryl acrylate/acrylic acid copolymer, tromethamine, Lactobacillus fermentation water, turmeric root extract, hydrogenated lecithin, adenosine, butylene glycol, sodium hyaluronate, beta-glucan, trisodium EDTA, caprylic/capric triglyceride, boswellia resin extract, vinegar, mugwort extract, neem leaf extract, Lactobacillus/horseradish root fermentation extract, yeast/grape fermentation extract, green tea extract, Lactobacillus/ Pear juice fermentation filtrate, yeast/barley seed fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/ginseng root fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/rye flour fermentation, Lactobacillus/soybean fermentation extract, Lactobacillus/water hyacinth fermentation, Monascus/rice fermentation , yeast/potato extract fermentation filtrate, yeast/xylinum/Fermented black tea, Salvia leaf extract, ginger extract, Carum petrolcellinum extract. Ceylon cinnamon bark extract, coriander fruit/leaf extract, lemongrass extract, clove flower extract, fennel fruit extract, Kuju ash leaf extract, honey extract, Western coriander flower/leaf/stem extract, star anise extract, Lactobacillus/ Fermented pomegranate extract, lavender flower extract, bitter peppermint extract, black cumin seed extract, valerian rhizome/root extract, fermented yeast extract, wine extract, acai palm fruit extract, Indian gooseberry fruit extract, raw sweet blueberry extract , maple radish leaf extract, iris root extract, soybean root extract, euphorbia root extract, onion extract, garlic extract, syringa root extract, mugwort leaf extract, beet root extract, cabbage extract, turnip leaf extract, camellia leaf extract, papaya fruit. Extract, safflower extract, fern seed extract, centella asiatica extract, quince extract, matricaria flower extract, chicory root extract, watermelon extract, bergamot leaf extract, citron extract, tangerine peel extract, deodeok root extract, cuneata hawthorn fruit extract, Cucumber fruit extract, carrot extract, persimmon extract, horsetail extract, loquat leaf extract, fig extract, herb robert extract, ginkgo biloba extract, bottlewort extract, Spanish licorice root extract, maitake mushroom fruiting body extract, sunflower seed extract, daylily flower Extract, medicinal buckwheat extract, sweet potato root extract, shiitake mushroom extract, lemon verbena leaf extract, honeysuckle flower extract, goji berry extract, lemon balm extract, peppermint flower/leaf/stem extract, mountain mulberry leaf extract, banana extract, lotus root extract, Basil leaf extract, millet extract, lobule leaf extract, red bean extract, King officinalis seed extract, bellflower root extract, purslane extract, apricot extract, peach extract, plum extract, apple extract, radish extract, Rehmannia glutinosa root extract, rosemary leaf extract, raspberry Extract, spotted bamboo leaf extract, sesame seed extract, sesame extract, spinach extract, dandelion leaf extract, thyme leaf extract, sky talis root extract, seaweed extract, bergamot oil, tangerine peel oil, damask rose flower oil, cardamom seed oil , limonene, citronellol, linalool, geraniol

LosecSumma Elixir Emulsion

Purified water, glycerin, hydrogenated polydecene, triethylhexanoin, butylene glycol, dimethicone, hydrogenated polyisobutene, hydrogenated lecithin, 1,2-hexanediol, betaine , panthenol, PEG-5 glyceryl stearate, glyceryl stearate, Lactobacillus fermentation water, PEG-100 stearate, turmeric root extract, behenic acid, caprylic/capric triglyceride, behenyl alcohol. , stearic acid, cetearyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, arachidyl alcohol, bergamot oil, carbomer, squalane, tromethamine, shea butter, phytosteryl/isostearyl/cetyl/stearyl/behenyl dimer diri. Noliate, myristic acid, arachidyl glucoside, adenosine, titanium dioxide (CI 77891), mica, trisodium EDTA, mugwort extract, neem leaf extract, green tea extract, ceramide NP, red iron oxide, cholesterol, fragrant oil , Boswellia resin extract, palmitic acid, xanthan gum, Arabian jasmine flower extract, Lactobacillus/horseradish root fermentation extract, yeast/grape fermentation extract, Salvia leaf extract, ginger extract, Carum petroleum linum extract, Ceylon Cinnamon bark extract, coriander fruit/leaf extract, lemon gras sorghum extract, clove flower extract, fennel fruit extract, Korean water purée leaf extract, honey extract, Western red pepper flower/leaf/stem extract, star anise extract, Lactobacillus/pomegranate fermented extract, lavender flower extract, bitter peppermint extract, black pepper. Minseed extract, Valerian root stem/root extract, yeast fermentation extract, vinegar, isoamyl laurate, acai palm fruit extract, Indian gooseberry fruit extract, raw sweet blueberry extract, wine extract, Lactobacillus/pear juice fermentation filtrate , yeast/barley seed fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/ginseng root fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/rye flour fermentation, Lactobacillus/soybean fermentation extract, Lactobacillus/water hyacinth fermentation, Monascus/rice fermentation, yeast/potato Extract fermentation filtrate, yeast/xylinum/black tea fermentation, maple leaf extract, iris root extract, Actinidia apiaceae extract, Aspergillus root extract, onion extract, garlic extract, syringa root extract, mugwort leaf extract, beet root extract, cabbage extract, Turnip leaf extract, camellia leaf extract, papaya fruit extract, safflower flower extract, rosemary seed extract, centella asiatica extract, quince extract, matricaria flower extract, chicory root extract, watermelon extract, bergamot leaf extract, citron extract, tangerine peel Extract, cod root extract, Cuneata hawthorn fruit extract, cucumber fruit extract, carrot extract, persimmon extract, horsetail extract, loquat leaf extract, fig extract, herb robert extract, ginkgo extract, long-lilac root extract, Spanish licorice root extract , Maitake mushroom fruiting body extract, sunflower seed extract, panicle flower extract, medicinal buckwheat extract, sweet potato root extract, shiitake mushroom extract, lemon verbena leaf extract, honeysuckle flower extract, goji berry extract, lemon balm extract, pepper mint flowers/leaves/stem. Extracts, wild mulberry leaf extract, banana extract, lotus root extract, basil leaf extract, millet extract, leaflet leaf extract, red bean extract, King officinalis seed extract, bellflower root extract, purslane extract, apricot extract, peach extract, plum extract Root extract, apple extract, radish extract, Rehmannia glutinosa root extract, rosemary leaf extract, raspberry extract, spotted bamboo leaf extract, sesame seed extract, sesame extract, spinach extract, dandelion leaf extract, thyme leaf extract, celestial root extract, seaweed extract Water, tangerine peel oil, damask rose flower oil, cardamom seed oil, ylang ylang flower oil, lavender oil, orange flower oil, limonene, linalool, citronellol, geraniol, citral.

Summа Elixir 8-Miracle Power Essence 

Etherdimethicone, PEG/PG-17/6 copolymer, dimethicone, purified water, 23-butanediol, glycerin, bis-PEG-15methyl Glyceryl polymethacrylate, denatured alcohol, 1 , 2-hexanediol, panthenol, phenyl trimethicone, hydrogenated lecithin, cyclopentasiloxane, dipropylene glycol, butylene glycol, serine, polysorbate 20, propylene glycol, C14 -22 alcohol, squalane, polysilicon-11, hydrogenated polydecene, arginine, ammonium acryloyldimethyl taurate/behenes-25 methacrylate crosspolymer, polyurethane-15, carbomer , dimethiconol, macadamia seed oil, triethylhexanoin, polyacrylate-13, arachidyl glucoside, shea butter, niacinamide, phytosteryl/octyldodecyllauroyl glutamate, sunflower seed oil, sodium. Polyacrylate, ceramide NP, vinegar, cetyl phosphate, polyisobutene, acrylate/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer, titanium dioxide (CI 77891), mica, adenosine, stearic acid, sucrose stearate , glyceryl stearate, biosaccharide gum-1, cholesterol, PEG-100 stearate, tromethamine, palmitic acid, red iron oxide, sorbitan isostearate, caprylyl glycol, decyl glucoside, dextrin. , cacao seed extract, carrot extract, beta-carotene, carrot seed oil, ethylhexylglycerin, lactobacillus/horseradish root fermentation extract, yeast/grape fermentation extract, salvia leaf extract, ginger extract, carum Petrocelinum extract, Ceylon cinnamon bark extract, coriander fruit plum/leaf extract, lemongrass extract, clove flower extract, fennel fruit extract, Kuju ash leaf extract, honey extract, red pepper herb flower/leaf/stem extract, star Anise extract, Lactobacillus/pomegranate fermented extract, lavender flower extract, bitter peppermint extract, black cumin seed extract, Valerian rhizome/root extract, yeast fermented extract, tocopherol, glycosphingolipid, wine extract, Lactobacillus /Pear juice fermentation filtrate, yeast/barley seed fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/ginseng root fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/rye flour fermentation, Lactobacillus/soybean fermentation extract, Lactobacillus/water hyacinth fermentation, Monascus /Rice fermentation product, yeast/potato extract fermentation filtrate, yeast/xylinum/black tea fermentation product, maple leaf extract, iris root extract, Actinidia ulanax extract, Aspen root extract, onion extract, garlic extract, zimo root extract, mugwort leaf Extract, beet root extract, cabbage extract, turnip leaf extract, camellia leaf extract, papaya fruit extract, safflower flower extract, fern seed extract, centella asiatica extract, quince extract, matricaria flower extract, chicory root extract, watermelon extract , Bergamot leaf extract, citron extract, tangerine peel extract, Deodeok root extract, Cuneata hawthorn fruit extract, cucumber fruit extract, turmeric root extract, persimmon extract, horsetail extract, loquat leaf extract, fig extract, herb robert extract , Ginkgo extract, Bottlewort extract, Spanish licorice root extract, Maitake mushroom fruiting body extract, sunflower seed extract, daylily flower extract, medicinal buckwheat extract, sweet potato root extract, shiitake mushroom extract, lemon verbena leaf extract, honeysuckle flower extract, Goji berry extract, lemon balm extract, peppermint flower/leaf/stem extract, wild mulberry leaf extract, banana extract, lotus root extract, basil leaf extract, millet extract, lobule leaf extract, red bean extract, columbine seed extract, bellflower root extract , purslane extract, apricot extract, peach extract, plum extract, apple extract, radish extract, Rehmannia glutinosa root extract, rosemary leaf extract, raspberry extract, zebra leaf extract, sesame seed extract, sesame extract, spinach extract, perilla leaf extract. , thyme leaf extract, seaweed root extract, seaweed extract, acetyl hexapeptide-8, desamidocollagen, glycine, hydroxyproline, proline, bergamot oil, lime whole seed oil, lemon peel oil, orange peel oil, Mexican juniper oil. , damask rose flower oil, fragrant oil, limonene, linalool, citral, citronelle, geraniol

LosecSumma Elixir Cream 

Purified water, glycerin, triethylhexanoin, butylene glycol, dimethicone, dipropylene glycol, caprylic/capric triglyceride, cetearyl alcohol, 1,2-hexanediol, Hydrogenated polydecene, hydrogenated polyisobutene, glyceryl stearate, panthenol, stearyl alcohol, trehalose, phytosteryl/octyldodecyllauroyl glutamate, shea butter, myristyl myristate, jojoba. Ester, cupuaçu seed butter, polymethyl silsesquioxane, hydrogenated dressitin, cetearyl olivate, C12-16 alcohol, phytosteryl/isostearyl/cetyl/ stearyl/behenyl dimer dilinoli Eight, PEG-100 Stearate, Sodium Iraumidoglutamidrysin, Cetearyl Glucoside, Sorbitan Olivate, Ceramide NP, Palmitic Acid, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Ammonium Acrylonitrile Ildimethyl taurate/Behenes-25 methacrylate crosspolymer, tromethamine, sucrose stearate, Lactobacillus/soybean fermentation extract, carbomer, ammonium acryloyl dimethyl taurate/V picopolymer, yeast/ Potato extract fermentation filtrate, acrylate/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer, xanthan gum, titanium Dioxide (a77891), stearic acid, mica, yeast/barley seed fermentation filtrate, ade Route, sodium polyacrylate, nutmeg extract, sodium hyaluronate, trisodium EDTA, red iron oxide, cholesterol, artemisia extract, neem leaf extract, beta-glu tangerine peel extract, cod root extract, kuneata hawthorn fruit Extract, cucumber fruit extract, turmeric root extract, carrot extract, persimmon extract, horsetail extract, loquat tree leaf extract, fig extract, herb robert extract, ginkgo extract, bottlewort extract, Spanish licorice root extract, maitake mushroom fruiting body extract, Sunflower seed extract, daylily flower extract, medicinal buckwheat extract, sweet potato root extract, shiitake mushroom extract, lemon verbena leaf extract, honeysuckle flower extract, goji berry extract, lemon balm extract, peppermint flower/leaf/stem extract, mountain mulberry leaf extract, Banana extract, lotus root extract, basil leaf extract, millet extract, leaf leaf extract, red bean extract, plantain seed extract, bellflower root extract, purslane extract, apricot extract, peach extract, plum extract, apple extract, radish extract, Rehmannia glutinosa Root extract, rosemary leaf extract, raspberry extract, spotted bamboo leaf extract, Hyeonggae extract, sesame extract, spinach extract, Western mint Khan green tea extract, boswellia resin extract, glycosphingolipid, tocopherol, Arabian jasmine flower extract, Lactobacillus/horseradish root fermentation extract, yeast/fermented grape extract Fruit extract, salvia leaf extract, ginger extract, carum petroleum extract, Ceylon cinnamon tree Bark extract, coriander fruit/leaf extract, lemongrass extract, clove flower extract, fennel fruit extract, Chinese ash leaf extract, honey extract, red pepper herb flower/leaf/stem extract, stear Varnish extract, Lactobacillus/pomegranate fermentation extract, lavender flower extract, bitter peppermint extract, black cumin seed extract, Valerian rhizome/root extract, yeast fermentation extract, vinegar, Lactobacillus/pear juice fermentation filtrate, wine extract, Lactobacillus/ginseng root fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/rye flour fermentation, Lactobacillus/water hyacinth fermentation, Monascus/Fermented rice, yeast/xylinum/fermented black tea, acai palm fruit extract, Indian gooseberry fruit extract, raw sweet blueberry extract, maple leaf extract, iris root extract, dog Actinidia extract, Aspergillus root extract, onion extract, garlic extract, root extract, mugwort leaf extract, beet root extract, cabbage extract, turnip leaf extract, camellia leaf extract, green onion Night fruit extract, safflower extract, quince seed extract, centella asiatica extract, quince extract, Matricaria flower extract, chicory root extract, watermelon extract, bergamot leaf extract, citron extract, Perilla leaf extract, thyme leaf extract, seaweed root extract, seaweed extract, bergamot orange tangerine peel oil, damask rose flower oil, cardamom seed oil, ylang ylang flower oil, lavender Sun, oils: fragrant oil, orange blossom oil, limonene, linalool, citronellol, geraniol, citral

LosecSumma Elixir Eye Cream

Purified water, butylene glycol, dipropylene glycol, cyclopentasiloxane, glycerin, trimethylpentanediol/adipic acid/glycerin crosspolymer, dimethicone, phytosteryl/isostere Aryl/cetyl/stearyl/behenyl dimer dilinoleate, hydrogenated polyisobutene, sorbitol, 1,2-hexanediol, sucrose polystearate, triethylhexanoin, ceramide NP, glyceryl stearate , Hydrogenated lecithin, beeswax, panthenol, PCA dimethicone, polyglyceryl-2 isostearate/dimer dilinoleate copolymer, PEG-100 stearate, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone cross. Polymer, glycosyl trehalose, PEG-10 grape seed sterol, palmitic acid, Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate, carbomer, tromethamine, stearic acid, mica, acrylate/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer, VP/VA copolymer, titanium dioxide (Ca77891), glycerol- 20, amodimethicone, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, adenosine, caprylic/capric triglyceride, artemisia extract, neem leaf extract, green tea extract, red iron oxide, boswellia resin extract, lactobacillus/red pepper Fermented shepherd's purse root extract, yeast/grape fermented extract, Salvia leaf extract, ginger extract, Carum petrolcellinum extract, Ceylon cinnamon bark extract, coriander fruit/leaf extract, lemongrass extract, clove flower extract, fennel fruit extract , Kuju water purifolia leaf extract, honey extract, Western red pepper herb flower/leaf/stem extract, star anise extract, Lactobacillus/pomegranate fermentation extract, lavender flower extract, bitter peppermint extract, black cumin seed extract, carrot extract, persimmon extract, horsetail extract. , loquat leaf extract, fig extract, herb robert extract, ginkgo biloba extract, bottlewort extract, Spanish licorice root extract, maitake mushroom fruiting body extract, sunflower seed extract, daylily flower extract, medicinal buckwheat extract, sweet potato root extract, shiitake mushroom extract , lemon burna leaf extract, honeysuckle flower extract, goji berry extract, lemon balm extract, peppermint flower/leaf/stem extract, mountain mulberry leaf extract, banana extract, lotus root extract, basil leaf extract, millet extract, leaflet leaf extract , red bean extract, radish root extract, bellflower root extract, purslane extract, apricot extract, peach extract, plum extract, apple extract, radish extract, Rehmannia glutinosa root extract, rosemary leaf extract, raspberry extract, spotted bamboo leaf extract, cypress extract, Sesame extract, spinach extract, thyme leaf extract, thyme leaf extract, sky talis root extract, seaweed extract, Arabian jasmine flower extract, bergamot oil, tangerine peel oil, damask rose flower oil, cardamom seed oil, ylang ylang flower oil , lavender oil, fragrant oil, orange flower oil, limonene, linalool, citronellol, geraniol, citral Water, valerian root stem/root extract, yeast fermentation extract, vinegar, wine extract, acai palm fruit extract, Indian gooseberry fruit extract, raw sweet blueberry extract, Lactobacillus/pear juice fermentation filtrate, yeast/barley seed fermentation filtrate , Lactobacillus/ginseng root fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/rye flour fermentation, Lactobacillus/soybean fermentation extract, Lactobacillus/water hyacinth fermentation, Mona Scors/rice fermentation, yeast/potato extract fermentation filtrate, yeast/xylinum/black tea fermentation, maple leaf extract, iris root extract, Actinidia ulanax extract, Aspen root extract, onion extract, garlic extract, syringa root extract, Mugwort leaf extract, beet root extract, cabbage extract, turnip leaf extract, camellia leaf extract, papaya fruit extract, safflower flower extract, rosemary seed extract, centella asiatica extract, quince extract, Matricaria flower extract, chicory root extract, watermelon extract , Bergamot leaf extract, citron extract, tangerine peel extract, Deodeok root extract, Cuneata hawthorn fruit extract, cucumber fruit extract, turmeric root extract,

Su:m37 LosecSumma Elixir Day Ampoule  

Purified water, glycerin, dipropylene glycol, denatured alcohol, butylene glycol, sorbitol, 1,2-hexanediol, panthenol, PEG-150, Indian frankincense resin extract, wine extract, acai palm extract, blueberry extract, vinegar, Indian gooseberry. fruit extract, neem leaf extract, green tea extract, raspberry extract, fermented lactobacillus extract/horseradish root, fermented yeast/grape extract, enzymatic lactobacillus extract/pomegranate extract, clove flower extract, fermented yeast extract, coriander fruit/leaf extract, water purification kudju leaf extract, lavender flower extract, lemongrass extract, black cumin seed extract, flower/leaf/stem extract of western red pepper herb, bitter peppermint extract, parsley extract, star anise fennel extract, fennel extract, ginger extract, sage leaf extract, honey extract, rhizome/valerian root extract, broiler extract, lactobacilli/pear juice fermentation filtrate, yeast fermentation filtrate/barley grains, lactobacilli/ water hyacinth fermentation product, lactobacilli/ ginseng root fermentation filtrate, lactobacilli/soy fermentation extract, lactobacilli/rye fermentation flour, red yeast mold/rice fermentation, yeast/potato extract fermentation filtrate, yeast/Xilinum/fermented black tea, licorice extract, persimmon extract, turmeric extract, chinese actinidia extract, chinese cassia extract, sweet potato extract, brachiocephalic root extract, goji berry extract, mandarin peel extract, goldenrod extract, millet seed extract, violet longus extract, gilge extract, maple leaf extract, carrot extract, deodeoc extract, camellia leaf extract, melissa extract, lemon verbena leaf extract, rosemary leaf extract, garlic extract, purslane quince extract, quince extract, radish extract, fig extract, banana extract, basil leaf extract, bergamot leaf extract, centella asiatica extract, peach extract, beet root extract, medlar leaf extract, apple extract, mountain mulberry leaf extract, apricot extract, dandelion leaf extract, thyme leaf extract, horsetail extract, watermelon extract, turnip leaf extract, spinach extract, leaf extract, cabbage leaf extract, onion extract, houttuinia cordata extract, spotted bamboo leaf extract, lotus root extract, cucumber extract, turmeric seed extract, daylily flower extract, citron extract, grape elm extract, ginkgo extract, Japanese hawthorn fruit extract, maitake mushroom fruit body extract, plum. extract, perilla leaf extract, Jeju crane extract, Branch root extract, Rehmannia Glutinosa extract, Sesame extract, Seaweed extract, calamus extract, chicory root extract, chamomile flower extract, papaya fruit extract, red bean extract, mint flower/leaf/stem extract. , shiitake mushroom extract, sunflower seed extract, cypress extract, safflower extract, gold, sodium hyaluronate, adenosine, lauryl dimethicone/poly, glycerin-3 crosspolymer, polymethylsilsesquioxane, methylglucose-20, alanylglutamine, hydrogenated castor oil PEG-40, trometamine, carbomer. , cross Acrylate/C10-30 Alkylacrylate Polymer, Dimethicone, Dicalia Glycyrrhizate, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, Sodium polyacrylate, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Trisodium EDTA, Mica, titanium dioxide, red iron oxide, Caprylic/Caprine triglyceride, biosaccharide gum-1. Glycerylacrylate/acrylic acid copolymer, ethylhexylglycerin, raspberry flower extract, mandarin frankincense oil, lavender oil, ylang-ylang flower oil, mandarin peel oil, damask rose flower oil, cardamom seed oil, bergamot fruit oil, orange flower oil, limonene, citronellol, linalool.

Su:m37 LosecSumma Elixir Night Ampoule

Purified water, glycerin, propanediol, denatured alcohol, 1,2-hexanediol, butylene glycol, Lactobacilli/soy bean extract, Carrageenan extract, neem leaf extract, Indian frankincense resin extract, Indian gooseberry fruit extract, gold, vinegar, lactobacilli. /fermented pomegranate extract, clove flower extract, yeast extract, Coriander fruit/leaf extract, Kuju water Puri leaf extract, Lavender flower extract, Lemongrass extract, black cumin seed extract, red pepper herb flower/leaf/stem extract, bitter peppermint extract, parsley extract, star anise fennel extract, fennel extract, honey extract, rhizome/valerian root extract, broiler extract, lactobacilli/pear juice fermentation filtrate, yeast/barley seed fermentation filtrate, red yeast mold / fermented rice, lactobacilli/fermentation of ginseng root filtrate, fermentation of yeast/xylin/black tea, fermentation filtrate of yeast/potato extract, fermentation of Lactobacillus water hyacinth, fermentation of Lactobacillus/rye flour, fermented extract of Lactobacillus/horseradish root, fermented yeast/grape extract, acai palm extract, blueberry extract, safflower extract, water, green tiger extract, green tea extract, wine extract, beta-glucan, ginger extract, sage leaf extract, licorice extract, persimmon extract, turmeric extract, ginseng actinidia extract, chinese cassia extract, bitter pumpkin, radish root extract, goji berry extract, mandarin peel extract, honeysuckle extract, millet seed extract, violet longus extract, gilge extract, maple leaf extract, carrot extract, deodeoc extract, camellia leaf extract, raspberry extract, Melissa. Extract, lemon verbena leaf extract, rosemary leaf extract, garlic extract, purslane extract, quince extract, radish extract, fig extract, banana extract, basil leaf extract, bergamot leaf extract, Centella Asiatica extract, peach extract, beet root extract, loquata leaf. extract, apple extract, mountain mulberry leaf extract, apricot extract, dandelion leaf extract, thyme leaf extract, horsetail extract, watermelon extract, turnip leaf extract, spinach extract, leaf extract, cabbage leaf extract, onion extract, houttuinia cordata extract, spotted bamboo leaf extract, lotus root extract, cucumber extract, psyllium seed extract, daylily flower extract, citron extract, coriander extract, ginkgo extract, japanese hawthorn fruit extract, maitake mushroom fruit body extract, plum extract, purple leaf extract, Jeju crane extract, Jimmo extract, remania glutinous extract, sesame extract, seaweed extract, calamus extract, chicory root extract, chamomile flower extract, papaya fruit extract, red bean extract, peppermint flower/leaf/stem extract, shiitake mushroom extract, sunflower seed extract, algae. extract, sodium polyacrylate, dimethylsilane bis-PEG-18 methyl ether, panthenol, adenosine, polyquaternium-51, hydrogenated castor oil PEG-40, crosspolymer lauryldimethicone/polyglycerin-3, polymethylsilsesquioxane, glycerylacrylate/acrylic acid copolymer, acrylate/C10 -30 alkylacrylate crosspolymer, caprylic/caprine triglyceride, carbomer, trisodium EDTA, trometamine, bergamot fruit oil, mandarin peel oil, cardamom seed oil, damask rose flower oil, ylang-ylang flower oil, lavender oil, fragrant mandarin oil, dried flower. extract, orange blossom oil, limonene, citronellol, linalool.

  • Этот продукт содержит ингредиенты ферментации, поэтому цвет содержимого со временем может стать ярче, но с эффективностью и результативностью продукта проблем не возникнет.

*Для клиентов, которые хотят ощутить максимальный эффект от двойных ампул, используйте две ампулы вместе.

Очищающая пенка Skin Softener Essence Secreta Day Ampoule - Night Ampoule Сыворотка Эмульсия → Крем-крем для глаз

LosecSumma Elixir Foam Cleanser

Purified water, lauric acid, disodium cocoamphodiacetate, potassium hydroxide, myristic acid, acrylate copolymer, glycerin, sodium chloride, denatured alcohol, butylene glycol, hexylene glycol, Bergamot oil, 1,2-hexanediol, acrylate/C10-30 alkyl acrylate cross polymer, tangerine peel oil, damask rose flower oil, cardamom seed oil, tetra sodium EDTA, titanium dioxide (CI) 77891), mica, ylang ylang flower oil, lavender oil, caprylic/capric triglyceride, mugwort extract, neem leaf extract, green tea extract, mandarin incense oil, red iron oxide, orange flower oil, Arabian jasmine flower extract, boss Wellia resin extract, Lactobacillus/horseradish root fermentation extract, yeast/grape fermentation extract, Salvia leaf extract, ginger extract, Carum petrolcellinum extract, Ceylon cinnamon bark extract, coriander fruit/leaf extract, lemongrass extract, Clove flower extract, Hoehang fruit extract, Kuju ash leaf extract, honey extract, Western red pepper flower/leaf/stem extract, star anise extract, Lactobacillus/pomegranate fermented extract, lavender flower extract, bitter peppermint extract, black cumin seed extract , valerian root stem/root extract, yeast fermentation extract, vinegar, gold, acai palm fruit extract, Indian gooseberry fruit extract, raw sweet blue Berry extract, wine extract, Lactobacillus/pear juice fermentation filtrate, yeast/barley seed fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/ginseng root fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/rye flour fermentation, Lactobacillus/soybean fermentation extract, Lactobacillus/water hyacinth. Fermented product, Monascus/rice fermented product, yeast/potato extract fermented filtrate, yeast/xylinum/black tea fermented product, maple leaf extract, iris root extract, Actinidia chinensis extract, Eurum vine extract, onion extract, garlic extract, Zimo root extract, mugwort leaf extract, beet root extract, cabbage extract, turnip leaf extract, camellia leaf extract, papaya fruit extract, safflower flower extract, cassia seed extract, centella asiatica extract, quince extract, supermarket ricaria flower extract, chicory root Extract, watermelon extract, bergamot leaf extract, citron extract, tangerine peel extract, Deodeok root extract, Cuneata hawthorn fruit extract, cucumber fruit extract, turmeric root extract, carrot extract, persimmon extract, horsetail extract, loquat tree leaf extract , Fig extract, Herb Robert extract, Ginkgo biloba extract, Bottlewort extract, Spanish licorice root extract, Maitake mushroom fruiting body extract, sunflower seed extract, daylily flower extract, medicinal buckwheat extract, sweet potato root extract, shiitake mushroom extract, lemon verbena leaf extract , honeysuckle flower extract, goji berry extract, lemon balm extract, peppermint flower/leaf/stem extract, mountain mulberry leaf extract, banana extract, lotus root extract, basil leaf extract, millet extract, leaflet leaf extract, red bean extract, king Plantain seed extract, bellflower root extract, purslane extract, apricot extract, peach extract, plum extract, apple extract, radish extract, Rehmannia glutinosa root extract, rosemary leaf extract, raspberry extract, spotted bamboo leaf extract, sesame seed extract, sesame extract , spinach extract, dandelion leaf extract, thyme leaf extract, sky tree Root extract, seaweed extract, limonene, linalool, citronellol

Centenica Cream Completer

Purified water, fermented product Candida bombicola/glucose/methylrapesidate, Butylene glycol, Propanediol, C3-15 ilkain squalane, glycerin, 1,2-hexanediol, Sucrose polystearate, Glyceryl stearate, Lactobacillus fermentation Panthenol, Phytosterol/octyldodecillauroylglutamate, cetearyl alcohol, turmeric root extract, vinegar, sheep willow bark///twig extract, lactobacilli/pear juice fermentation filtrate, yeast/barley seed fermentation filtrate, wine extract, watermelon extract, radish extract, Lactobacillus/ginseng root fermentation filtrate, Lactobacillus/soy fermentation extract, Fermentation Efficiency of Lactobacillus / Water Hyacinth, Monascus / Rice fermentation, Yeast / Grape fermentation Extract, Yeast / Potato Extract Fermented Filtrate, Yeast/ Xylin / Black Tea Fermentation, Pumpkin Powder, Maple Leaf extract, Calamus root extract, Chinese root extract, Elm vine extract, Onion extract, Garlic extract, Hairy extract root extract, wormwood leaf extract, sugar beet root extract, cabbage extract, turnip leaf extract, camellia leaf extract, papaya fruit extract, safflower extract, gelmen seed extract, centella asiatica extract, quince extract, chicory root extract, bergamot leaf extract, citron extract, mandarin peel extract, deodeoca root extract, hawthorn cuneata fruit extract, cucumber fruit extract, carrot extract, horsetail extract, medlar leaf extract, fig extract, robert herb extract, rhizome extract, spanish licorice root extract, Maitake mushroom Fruit body extract, sunflower seed extract, daylily flower extract, sweet potato root extract, shiitake mushroom extract, lemon verbena leaf extract, Honeysuckle flower extract, goji berry extract, lemon balm extract, peppermint flower/leaf/stem extract, mountain mulberry leaf extract, banana extract, lotus root extract, basil leaf extract, millet extract, cow leaf extract, horse extract, king of japan seed extract, bluebell root extract, purslane extract, apricot extract, peach extract, plum extract, apple extract, yellow root extract, rosemary leaf extract, raspberry extract, sage leaf extract, zebra leaf extract, hengge extract, black sesame extract, spinach extract, western dandelion leaf extract, sky bridge root extract, wakame extract, ginger extract, matricaria flower extract, ginkgo biloba extract, medicinal wheat extract, fermented lactobacillus/rye flour product, fermented wasabi lactobacillus root extract, wonteo cherry root extract, coconut palm oil, hand germ oil, seed oil camellia, apricot seed oil extract, yeast fermentation filtrate, macadamia seed oil, nutmeg ceramide NP glycolipid, caprylic sorbitan palmitate, alcohol C14-22, polyacrylate-13, Tocopherol carbomer, Titanium dioxide (G 77891), copolymer of Sodong acrylate and Sodium acryloyldimethyltaurate, trometamine, mica, sodium hyaluronate, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Triethylhexanoin, Polyisobu Icahn Cyber Arachidyl Glucoside Hong Kong Oil, Xanthan gum, Polybate 80, red iron oxide, Trisodium EDTA , Stearic Acid Rebate 20, Beta-glucin, alcohol, bitanisostearate, cholesterol, bitanolate, orange peel oil, rosemary leaf oil, lime oil, fragrant geranium flower oil, citral, citronellol, limonene, geraniol, linalool, caprine triglyceride, cetyl palmitate, PEG-100 Stearate, Dimethicone, Sorbitan Olivate

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